True MCT Sachets

15 suggested servings - Sachets

Our True MCT oil provides a beautifully balanced blend of 60% C8 (caprylic acid) and 40% C10 (capric acid) which is clean, light and flavourless. Entirely sourced from coconuts with no palm oil.

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Why Take It

MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) are types of saturated fatty acids which rather than being stored, can be quickly absorbed, converted into ketones and utilised in cellular metabolism and energy production. Popular for ketogenic diets and nootropic support, ketones provide a potential fuel source for brain and body.

How to Use

True MCT Oil is incredibly versatile, ready to use straight from the bottle or sachet.

Simply add 1 to 4 tsp of True MCT to transform your drinks and smoothies or drizzle on salads and soups.


  • Sourced 100% from coconuts - never from palm oil.
  • Highly sought after 60% C8 and 40% C10 Provides a quick energy boost, making it the perfect pre-workout partner.
  • A clean, odourless and tasteless oil to easily power you through your day.
  • An excellent fuel source for brain cells, aiding in enhanced mental clarity.
  • MCT’s antioxidant qualities help reduce oxidative damage in the body.

Ingredients & Nutritionals


Nutrition per 100ml per 10ml
ENERGY 815kcal 82kcal
FAT 88g 8.8g
of which saturates 84g 8.4g
monounsaturates 0g 0g
polyunsaturates 0g 0g
of which sugar 0.5g 0.1g
FIBRE 0.7g 0.1g
PROTEIN 0.3g 0g
SALT 0g 0g

Cautionary Advice: Not recommended for pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are taking medication or under medical supervision, consult your doctor before taking any food supplement. Keep out of reach of young children.

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Ingredients explained

MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides)

MCT’s are readily utilised for cellular energy production and easily convert into ketones which may provide an alternative energy source for brain cells.

Rest assured our True MCT oil is sustainably sourced 100% from coconuts, never from palm oil, and is extracted using pure steamed distillation and gentle hydrolysis to contain C8 (60%) and C10 (40%).

A clear, odourless, and tasteless oil to easily fuel-up your day. A popular Brave Recipe is the morning ritual of adding True MCT to your morning coffee (or tea) for an invigorating start to the day.

You can also find MCT oil powder in our Naked Collagyn, and Radiant Collagyn. GMO and solvent free.

A closer look

  • Say goodbye to fat free fads

    Gone are the days of fat-free diets - thankfully - as we now recognise the essential role fats play in our health. Dietary fats support hormone production, brain function, nutrient absorption, and cellular health. Healthy fats are key for energy and well-being, making a balanced intake vital for overall health.

  • Easy to use

    True MCT oil is a versatile, flavourless liquid at room temperature, making it perfect for everyday recipes. Blend into coffee, hot drinks, smoothies, or sauces, or use it in dressings or homemade granola for a simple, clean nutritional upgrade.

  • Your MCT ritual

    The beauty of MCT oil is that it can be used at various times for optimal benefits. Whether that’s 30 minutes before a workout for sustained energy, during a fast to support fat burning, or before mentally demanding tasks like an important work meeting for enhanced focus and brain energy. A brilliantly versatile addition to any routine.

  • 100% coconuts - nothing else

    We use 100% coconuts, never palm oil, an eco-friendlier and more sustainable choice. Palm oil production leads to deforestation and endangers wildlife, while coconut-derived MCT oil offers higher purity and a superior health profile, rich in efficient MCTs like caprylic and capric acids - perfect for clean energy and overall wellness.

  • What is C8/C10?

    True MCT oil is made using pure steam distillation and gentle hydrolysis to yield C8 (60%) and C10 (40%) MCTs. These shorter-chain fats are favoured for their easy digestion and efficient energy conversion. C8 and C10 are also known for their strong antibacterial and antifungal properties.


What are the benefits of taking MCT oil?

MCTs are easily digested fats that are easily digested and rapidly absorbed by the body and quickly used as a source of energy. It works brilliantly as a mid-afternoon pick me up, a brain boost for extra focus or pre-workout fuel.

If you are fasting, true MCT oil provides the body, muscles and brain with an energy supply which helps to curb hunger, sustain alertness, energy, mindset and physical performance. By blending True MCT into either of our blends you add another layer of fuel to your day. You gain all the nourishing benefits of the hydrolysed collagen with the fuel and ketogenic potential of MCT. In the case of the Coffee + Collagen, Matcha + Collagen and Cacao + Collagen it could be that when the caffeine wears off, the MCT oils may still have you covered.

How is MCT different to coconut oil?

MCT comprises only the key medium chain fats C8 and C10, which are readily converted into energy. ​​As a general guide you would need to take 6 tablespoons of coconut oil to gain the same amount of those helpful C8 and C10 medium chain triglycerides found in one tablespoon of MCT.


Yes, a tablespoon or more of True MCT is useful between meals during your eating window, as this could help generate a feeling of satiety, distracting you from unhealthy snacks and may also help to bolster energy until your next mealtime. This is one of the reasons why MCT oil is so popular with some endurance athletes, who carry MCT oil on their long rides and runs.


There are three things that tend to break a fast – total calories, carbohydrates and sugar. It’s generally considered that consuming fewer than 50 calories is unlikely to break a fast. So adding just 1 tsp of MCT oil (which contains 42 kcal, no carbs and zero sugar) to coffee, herbal tea or water is likely to support your fast and support ketosis. When consuming more than 1 tsp of MCT oil, you go beyond 50 kcal so you typically break your fast. However, the body is still kept busy converting those extra MCT oils into ketones which continue to support ketosis. Fat fasting is a technique that many keto dieters use to facilitate transitioning into ketosis faster and to help promote weight management. Some types of ketogenic and bulletproof diets suggest adding up to 1-2 tablespoons (or even up to 4 tbsp) of MCT oil to your morning coffee providing 126-252 kcal (or up to 504 kcal), a level at which fasting is likely to be broken, but ketosis continues.


It’s always best to start with just 1 teaspoon of MCT oil and slowly increase this to your desired level over a period of weeks or months. Most people can increase their level of MCT oil quite comfortably, but some individuals may reach a bowel tolerance level for MCT (and other oils) where it becomes harder for the body to process (digest and absorb) the next higher dose. The undigested oil slips through the digestive tract and may trigger discomfort, nausea, bloating and diarrhoea. The sensible advice here is to take a short break from MCT oil and let your digestion recover. Then reintroduce at a lower, well-tolerated daily dose. Taking MCT with food such as drizzling over salad or adding to soup helps stimulate fat digesting enzymes to be released, which could help offset any digestive discomfort.


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